Wednesday, January 30, 2008

MLM Scams And Pyramid Schemes

What is an MLM, Multilevel Marketing Company or Network Marketing Company? It is simply any company that pays it's members on more than one level. In other words you get a percentage of the sales of any person you introduce into the company. Now that you know this, how many Multilevel Marketing Companies do you belong to?

By the way, which is better, a company that pays on one level only, two levels, three levels or more? I choose "or more"

What is a Pyramid Scheme? A Pyramid Scheme is any organization shaped like a Pyramid. Usually the person at the top makes the most money. Oh, doesn't that sound bad, or does it? Do you know any companies that are shaped like a Pyramid where the person at the top gets paid the most? Are they scams?

Examples of Pyramid Schemes are the Army, the Church, the Police, your Insurance Company, your Schools and Government. Probable any company in the world. Yes, they are usually shaped like a pyramid with heaps of people at the bottom trying to get to the top. Why? Because the guy at the top makes the most money! Where does his money come from? What do they sell? Think about it.

Most of them sell things you can't even see, touch or smell. Some take your money without even asking, some give you the product after you die! But that's OK, isn't it? They are legal everyday neighborhood organizations. So when you hear the word Pyramid in association with some organization, remember you are surrounded by them and often rely on them.

Perhaps the word "Scheme" sounds bad? The definition of Scheme is: "A systematic plan of action". I hope that you have a "A systematic plan of action" to make money. Do you? Or are you just going from home to the office everyday not making headway in your Pyramid shaped company?

The only thing you need to know about any group or organization that you ever join is whether they are legal or not. Their structure is of no importance.

Show me someone who doesn't like Multilevel Marketing and I will show you someone who lacks knowledge and or intelligence. Some people are like slinkies, they have no real purpose in life but they give you a smile when you push them down the stairs.

I've been with a lot of Multilevel Marketing companies, some I made a lot of money with, some disappeared, some suddenly changed their operations, some were not worth the trouble and some I could have made a lot of money with if I had have been smart enough at the time. Like a man who gets courage from having the life scared out of him the first time, so comes knowledge not so much from success but from failure. You'll learn more from people who have failed than from people who have succeeded. Why? You'll know what not to do!

If you know of anyone who has failed in Multilevel Marketing, ask them how they did it! Try to get past their poor excuses of blaming the products or the company. If the company is still operating and successful then the problem hardly lies with the company.

The shape of a business or it's nicknames shouldn't scare anyone away from taking the opportunity of getting out of the daily home to office rat race and onto the beaches of the world. Multilevel Marketing may very well be your only ticket, choose your ticket well and be very wary of well meaning people who do not want you to do better than them! The people who will kill your dreams and goals are often your good friends or relatives. They mean well, but they won't pay your bills.

Success in Multilevel Marketing is being able to get out of the rat race and living your life your way without financial worries and dependance on others. Money is not everything, unless you don't have it.

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