Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Bad Credit Unsecured Loans UK counter credit woes in taking fresh loan

In the UK, it is now a lot easier for bad credit people who have a blemished credit history to avail a new loan, thanks mainly to ever increasing competition amongst the lenders. In order to survive, there have now mushroomed numbers of lenders who have bad credit unsecured loans for such borrowers in the UK. So despite bad credit, you have fresh opportunity in getting the loan for home improvements, buying a new car, debt consolidation, wedding or enjoying holidays.

Many people in the UK are having arrears or late payments in their names or they have defaulted on payments and have county court judgments. Bad credit unsecured loans are meant for such borrowers. These loans are risky for any lenders. So in order to cut risks, lenders want to see that the borrower has good repaying capacity. Your annual income, bank balance is therefore crucial for a lender. So ensure that you have a fair amount in your bank always while applying for bad credit unsecured loans. The faith the lender has in you, determines the approval of the loan. Make all efforts to convince the lender that the loan amount will be repaid in time.

Bad credit unsecured loans UK is approved without taking collateral from the borrower, which makes it a risk free loan for the applicant. Lenders, however, charge interest at higher rate on bad credit unsecured loans. To counter high rate you can take rate quotes and compare lenders. You get only smaller amount ranging up to ₤25000 for shorter duration that ranges 5 to 15 years.

If you search internet you come across numbers of bad credit unsecured loans providers in the UK. Do not go by their claims of a suitable deal for you. First take rate quotes of lenders. Compare individual interest rates of lenders. For your circumstances there is surely a suitable loan offer. You should ensure that you pay back the loan installments regularly so that your credit score improves and loan in future is easier to get.

Anton Gabriel is the author of this article. He aims to inform common people of the several issues involved in Adverse Credit Unsecured Loans through his articles. To find Bad credit unsecured loans UK, bad credit history unsecured loans, Adverse credit unsecured loans, Unsecured personal loans visit Blog24592
Alica Blog86197

Who Visits Saint Sophia in Istanbul?

Saint Sophia is finest and most famous example of BYZANTINE architecture in the world. It is located just in heart of old Istanbul, next to the Blue Mosque in the Sultan Ahmet Square (Sultanahmet Meydani) of Istanbul.

Four minarets have been added to St. Sophia (Hagia Sophia), after Ottomans captured Constantinople at 1453. Today Saint Sophia is neither a Church nor a Mosque but it is a museum.

Hagia Sophia (Saint Sophia) was built as a Constantinian Church by the emperor Justinian I, between A.D. 532 and 537 and in its ancient time, it represented the largest covered space in the world. Its architects were Isidore of Miletus and Anthemius of Tralles.

It was built only in of five years. On May 558, the dome of the church collapsed due to a December 557 earthquake, and though a new dome was (or has been) quickly rebuilt.

HAGIA SOPHIA is a Greek phrase that means 'Holy Wisdom'. This ancient basilica also called SAINT SOPHIA. Turks call 'Ayasofya Mzesi' or in short 'AYASOFYA'.

After its construction ended, Hagia Sophia served as a Church for the first nine centuries and when Constantinople was taken by the Ottomans' in 1453, Sultan Mehmet II (FATIH SULTAN MEHMET) added 4 minarets, a fountain (sadirvan) and mausoleum (turbe). He converted it into a Mosque and it served as a Mosque for 5 centuries.

Ottoman additions to Hagia Sophia include the huge wooden shields emblazoned with gilded calligraphy of Koran verses. Also addition of niche (The Mihrab) indicated the direction of Mecca.

Then in 1935, during Turkish Republic years, the Mosque was secularized and made into a museum under MUSTAFA KEMAL ATATRKs (founder of the Turkish Republic), it became a national museum -as it is today-.

Hagia Sophia's building dimensions are 76mt (250ft) by 72mt (235ft) and this marbles place's inside appearance is one of great space, height and richness.

Construction contains marble-lined walls have many colors and designs. Beautiful Byzantine mosaics decorate some of the walls and vaults.

Over the center area is the great dome which raises 56mt (185ft) above the ground and is 33mt (107ft) in diameter (slightly larger than diameter of the U.S. Capitol).

Every year nearly 5 million tourist visit Istanbul and the first stop in their visit is Saint Sophia.

The reasons in visiting the Saint Sophia vary according to the visitors. Generally people visit Saint Sophia because it is a holy place for all Christians and other reasons are the historical and the architectural value of this marvelous building...

The Hagia Sophia (Saint Sophia) Museum opens to the public everyday, except Monday. Telephone: 90-212-522-0989

Murat Aydogdu is college and high school graduated in tourism management in Istanbul / Turkey. Generally writing articles for Blog73894
Belle Blog21630

What Are The Different Types Of House Foundation Types And When To Use Each?

The foundation is the first piece of a home to be constructed and creates a base for the rest of a home's components. There are three types of foundations that are commonly used in the U.S.: slab, crawlspace, and basement.

Slab Foundation

Slab is a type of foundation consisting of a structural concrete slab poured directly on the grade. No accessible space exists in slab construction. Slab foundations are popular in areas (i.e. the Southern United States) where there is a relatively high water table. (Water table refers to the depth in the soil at which you find water).

Crawlspace Foundation

A crawlspace is an accessible space with limited headroom, typically between the soil and the bottom of the first floor of a home. Crawlspace construction is predominant in areas where there is heavy clay content in the soil.

Basement Foundation

A basement is an accessible space between the soil and the bottom of the first floor of a home. It usually has more headroom than a crawlspace. Basement foundation construction is predominant in cold climates where the foundation needs to be situated below the frost level.

All three foundation types are usually constructed out of concrete, but can also use concrete masonry units or insulated concrete forms.

Concrete Masonry Units (CMUs) are hollow, concrete blocks. To create the foundation wall, mortar is used between blocks to hold them together, forming the wall.

Insulated Concrete Forms (ICFs) are made of rigid foam insulation forms (a system of support assemblies, including mold, hardware, and necessary bracing to hold concrete) into which concrete is poured. Once the concrete has gained its full strength, the outside forms, the inside forms, or both are left in place to insulate the wall. ICFs are common in regions in which the local building code requires the foundation to be insulated. Another benefit is that the homeowner or builder is able to finish basement immediately, without adding studs.

Choosing the Type of Foundation:

Homeowners and builders make decisions about which type of foundation to use by gauging cost, needs/desires, and soil and weather conditions. If you have high water tables then it may not be possible to have a basement. If your land has shallow bedrock or boulders then it may be more costly to dig a basement. If you have a sloping lot it may be difficult to use a slab foundation. If you have a cold climate then you may need to dig down at least four or more feet to put the home's footings below frost level. If you have to go at least four feet deep then it may be worth spending some extra money to dig a few feet deeper and have a full basement. Also, it is easier to install and maintain mechanical systems in basements (compared to a crawlspace). Your builder can help you determine what type of foundation is best suited for your area.

The choice of foundation is also affected by personal preferences and costs. Basements can add thousands of dollars to the cost of a home compared to the cost of a crawlspace. However, when you consider the extra useable space created by a basement it is some of the cheapest square footage space of a home. If you are tight on funds and can't afford the basement then it may be a good idea to find a slightly smaller plan and use the savings to create a basement. You'll end up with a lot more storage space and potential living space by doing this.

Changing the Type of Foundation on your home:

Almost any house plan can have its foundation changed. It's common for people to design a different foundation if the available foundations do not suit their needs. If you are currently working with a builder you may want to ask them if they will take care of making the foundation changes for you. Sometimes with foundation design it may be helpful for somebody who is near you to do those changes because they will have more knowledge about your local soil conditions and the slope of your lot.

When changing foundation types, pay attention to where you will put the furnace, water heater, and stairs. If you need to add basement stairs, the basement stairs can usually be put under other stairways or you may be able to replace a closet or small room with basement stairs. Another common place to put basement stairs is to replace a mechanical room with stairs and move the mechanical items (such as the furnace and water heater) to the basement. Sometimes space near the laundry room, or space near the garage can be used for a basement stairs. Larger walk-in closets are sometimes reduced in size to allow space for basement stairs. You can often add a basement stairs to a plan without increasing the size of the plan. However, sometimes space may need to be added to a plan to provide room for a basement stairs.

It should be noted that it is the owner's full responsibility to check with his/her local and state building authorities, his/her builder, and the designer of the house plan to ensure that the home meets all applicable building codes and requirements.

Mark Mathis is a building designer and publisher of several stock house plan websites and informational resources, the most famous being House Plan Central has a large collection of home plans and unique house plans in many different architectural styles, from the nation's top house designers and architects.Amye Blog27262
Brandi Blog85035

Debt Consolidation vs. Debt Settlement

When you realize that you have a debt issue going on, you have several options to choose from: do nothing, create a budget, seek credit counseling, get professional debt consolidation help, opt for debt negotiation & settlement help from a specialized company or file for bankruptcy; this last option should always be considered as the last alternative in mind because of the consequences brought upon as result of it.

However, if you are looking to release yourself from debt, you should define your plan towards the following goals: lowering the amount of your debt, getting on a fixed payment plan that is comfortable for you and making sure your credit rating improves as result of this process.

First, you should know the differences between:

- Debt consolidation &
- Debt negotiation and debt settlement

Debt Consolidation and Debt settlement has its advantages and its disadvantages. Nevertheless, they both have one main objective in common, to free the consumer from debt.
Remember, it is very important to completely understand how every step of the process works in order to know which to apply to.

In debt settlement, negotiations take place with the creditors. A debt settlement companys main goal is to convince the creditors to give up a share of the money owed by the consumer.

Here is an example to further clarify this process: lets suppose that a friend of mine, James, borrowed $1600 from me. After a while, when I told him to pay me my money back, he said, Nancy, I only have $700, would you settle for those $700 upfront and forget about the remaining $900. Occasionally, creditors take these type of offers into consideration because sometimes it is more expensive and time consuming to recover the rest of the money. So, its worth it to stick to what the consumer offers in order to settle the account.

Although at first, this seems like the best of all opportunities, it also has negative consequences:

- It will appear on your credit report for as long as 7 years, as a negotiated and settled debt, so any future creditor will check for this info, and that, could avoid you from getting any future credit or loans
- All future creditors will understand this as a warning that you did not fully pay your past debt.

So the question is, When should you choose debt consolidation or debt settlement?

- People that have pending balances with several creditors should choose debt consolidation
- However, if you are in a great amount of debt, do not see any possibility of repaying those accounts off, and taking bankruptcy into consideration, then you should opt for debt settlement.

Check these links to learn more:

Nancy Smith is a contributing writer to and is currently writing some special articles to guide business on how to manage debt and avoid bankruptcy. For Free Debt Settlement Information and Debt Help Consultation, call toll-free 1-877-850-3328.Angela Blog97741
Aleen Blog8040

Choosing Furniture For Your Dining Room

Although estate agents and property pundits keep telling us that the kitchen-diner is the place to be, theres still a lot to be said for a more formal dining area in your home. Many people who love the informality of a kitchen table also want to have somewhere special for family occasions, holiday meals or just to provide an additional eating space.

When youre choosing dining room furniture, you want to be sure that you are buying a table and chairs that will fit well into your room and give you the flexibility and space you need for those special meals. You want a table that will look great when its not in use, but is practical; able to sit a large number of people comfortably, wide enough to accommodate place settings and serving dishes and sturdy enough to withstand late-night dinner parties or raucous childrens teas.

Youll also need to think about how much you can spend on your furniture. A dining room table is a big purchase and an expensive one. Consider how often you will be using the room and what for make sure you choose a table that you can live with for many years, rather than one thats trendy this year but will be out of fashion by next Christmas.

There is a wide range of dining furniture available, and it pays to take the time to do some research. Browse the internet for ideas, or take a look at interior dcor magazines to see what sort of furniture appeals to you. Visit showrooms to check out prices and to try out the furniture for yourself. Theres nothing worse than spending a fortune on furniture only to discover that the chairs are uncomfortable or the extendable leaves dont work smoothly.

Buying furniture for your dining room needs to be an informed process, just like any other. Get it right, and you will have invested in a beautiful piece of furniture that will last a lifetime.

Napton Teaks specialises in teak and rosewood furniture for your home. Visit our website now by clicking on Blog12923
Anita Blog88604

The Truth about PMS

Do any of these symptoms sound familiar? Headaches, depressions, anxiety, uncontrollable crying spells, fatigue, fluid retention, abdominal cramping, heart palpitations, weight gain, irritability, panic attacks, forgetfulness, migraines, backaches, decreased work or social performance, sleep problems, food cravings, breast tenderness, clumsiness, confusion . . . Sounds like a nightmare existence, doesn't it?

Are you one of the 40-80% of women for whom this scenario, or at least a portion of it, is everyday life for one to two weeks out of every month of their lives from puberty to menopause? What disorder could possibly result in these varied, and often dehabilitating, symptoms for so many women?

Premenstrual Syndrome! That's right! It's that old friend, PMS, the subject of so many jokes and putdowns. You know - that "catch-all" phrase that, according to "so-called comedians," covers all the "imaginary" problems that women "invent" as excuses to spend the day on the couch "watching TV and eating bonbons."

Let me assure you that, while it is true that doctors and researchers have not found a specific lab test that can identify PMS, this disorder is definitely neither "imaginary" nor is it "invented." Serious medical research has been going on for years to identify the definitions, diagnosis, causes, and cures for this disorder. Here are two of the resulting definitions:

1. Dr. Ellen Freeman of University of Pennsylvania Health System describes PMS as a "cluster of emotional, behavioral, and physical symptoms that have a cyclic pattern related to the menstrual cycle, becoming severe in the week or two preceding menses and abating with menstruation."

2. The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists defines PMS as "the cyclic occurrence of symptoms that are sufficiently sever to interfere with some aspects of life, and that appear with consistent and predictable relationship to the menses."

How do you know if you or a loved one has PMS, if there is no real test for it? Across the board, researchers and doctors agree that the identifying factor overall in this disorder is the fact that the symptoms stop once the menses begin or once a woman becomes pregnant.

You should know that doctors have identified two serious forms of PMS that have effects far beyond those of normal PMS symptoms:

1. "Postpartum Depression" is a severe depression that some women experience after giving birth. Women with this disorder suffer a severe let-down from the high pregnancy-levels of hormones, and, because of the disruption to their nervous systems, they may actually harm themselves or their babies.

2. "Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder" (PMDD) brings about serious and disabling depression, anxiety, tension, and angry irritability, intense mood changes in the week or two before the onset of menses, and women suffering from this disorder exhibit at least five of PMS's physical symptoms as well. Like regular PMS, PMDD symptoms disappear with menses.

You may have heard that doctors find it helpful for women to keep a daily diary of symptoms throughout the month when they are attempting to diagnose PMS. What should you look for when keeping a daily diary or considering the possibility that you or a loved one has PMS? Well, PMS carries over 150 possible symptoms that affect women in both the physical and the emotional realms in varying degrees.

Physically, symptoms can range from light, as in headache, fatigue, and slight abdominal swelling, to severe, as in migraines, severe cramping, and an inability to function normally. Emotionally, you may experience symptoms relating to anxiety (irritability, irrational crying, or emotional swings), depression (withdrawn, fearful, or altered libido), cravings (for sweets, dairy, or alcohol), and fluid retention (headache, breast tenderness, abdominal bloating, and weight gain).

I can tell you that although doctors still have not determined the exact cause of PMS, they agree that hormones and neuro-chemical changes within the brain are prime suspects. Estrogen hormones, for example, can contribute to increased brain activity, retention of salt, and drops in blood sugar, because it has a central neurological effect on the brain.

What do you do if you realize that you or a loved one suffers from some level of PMS? Obviously, if the symptoms are severe, you should seek your doctor's advice. Doctors today may prescribe either psychiatric (psychotropic drugs, tricyclics, tranquilizers, or selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors), medical treatments (anti-estrogenic hormonal medications), or a combination of both for severe cases.

However, if you believe that your symptoms are manageable, or if they are intermittent, here are a few tips that might help you alleviate some symptoms.

- Eat six, small, high in complex carbohydrates, low in simple sugars meals at three-hour intervals to help keep energy levels and blood glucose levels steady. Complex carbohydrates are found in foods eaten in their natural states like oatmeal, cornmeal, barley, and wheat germ, or in foods like pastas, brown rice, root vegetables like potatoes, whole grain breads and cereals, etc.

- Reduce caffeine, alcohol, salt, fats, and simple sugars to help diminish fatigue, tension, depression and water retention bloating.

- Add calcium, controlled levels of B6, B complex, magnesium, and Vitamin E to help maintain normal moods and reduce fluid retention, cramps, and back pain.

- Exercise three times a week for at least 20-30 minutes to improve mood, blood circulation, sense of well-being, and alleviate the build-up of tension and stress.

- Learn to relax with deep breathing exercises, music, quiet time alone, or yoga, to decrease symptoms and help with coping. In addition, spend time with an understanding friend, get a solid 8 hours of sleep regularly, and keep track of the menstrual cycle on the calendar to prepare for the onslaught of symptoms to help yourself cope.

- Adjust your schedule around the menstrual cycle to avoid heavy decisions, stressful appointments or events, or even arguments during PMS to help both your PMS time and your relationships.

- Investigate the use of herbs. Much research is going on in the field of herbal remedies for PMS. Evening primrose oil, chaste tree berry, dong qui and other herbs may have an effect on PMS symptoms according to personal testimonies of women who have tried them.

For best results, I recommend a combination of all of these areas. A lifestyle including a balanced diet, proper amounts of necessary vitamins and minerals, plenty of healthy exercise, proper rest and relaxation, good mental attitudes, and appropriate herbs gives you the best defense against PMS symptoms. However, if all else fails, by all means, throw in a couple of bonbons. Women for centuries have insisted that chocolate is a miraculous cure-all!

Eileen Silva, Ph.D., N.D. is a metabolic health balancing expert, talk show guest, and lecturer. Dr. Silva is also an individual, group, and corporate weight management consultant. Contact Dr. Silva at Blog46269
Carri Blog71868

Buying a Car Can Turn You Upside Down

It's expensive buying a car and it only gets more so as time goes on. Over time, the price of new cars has increased faster than the rate of inflation. This isn't entirely due to greed on the part of automakers; cars are also more complicated and useful than they used to be. Sure, they were cheaper in the 1960's, but they didn't include air conditioning, air bags and video systems. Convenience and safety comes at a price.

With the increase in price comes an increase in the length of time people are taking to pay off their cars. Few people pay cash; most people take out loans and pay over time. The average car loan, which used to be repaid over a period of three years, now averages about six years in duration. That's a long time to pay for a car, especially if you have no plans to own it for that long.

Taking six years to pay for a car has its advantages, as the payments are lower than they would be over a shorter loan term. Such a long loan does have a significant disadvantage, though - you can find yourself in a negative equity, or "upside down", situation. This can be a serious problem - if you should total the car in an accident, your insurance company will only pay you the value of the car, and not the amount you still owe.

A buyer is described as being upside down when he or she owes more on a car loan than the car is worth. It's easy to find yourself in an upside situation, and it can occur under any of the following circumstances:

Insufficient down payment - Cars depreciate as much as 25% the minute you drive them off of the lot. If you haven't provided enough of a down payment to cover that depreciation, you may find yourself upside down immediately.

Trading in too often - Buyers like to trade cars in and roll their outstanding balance into a new loan. These unpaid debts can contribute to negative equity.

Too long a loan - Five and six year loans often lead to negative equity. You can often avoid it by keeping the length of loans to three years or less.

In order to avoid a potential problem in the event of an accident, you should contact your insurance provider to make sure that you have "gap insurance." Gap insurance will make sure that you are protected should you have an accident while in an upside down situation. Without gap insurance, you may find yourself still making car payments even though you no longer have a car. That is the last thing any car owner wants.

©Copyright 2006 by Retro Marketing. Charles Essmeier is the owner of Retro Marketing. Retro Marketing, established in 1978, is a firm devoted to informational Websites, including, a site devoted to automobile lemon laws and, a site devoted to car insurance. Carlotta Blog34670
Alena Blog78488

Crystal Lake Cave In Iowa - A Great Vacation And Travel Destination

Iowa has some beautiful places that are wonderful vacation destinations. One of the must see places is Crystal Lake Cave. There is an interesting story behind this location. Back in 1868 lead miners were looking for a lead vein and they drilled 40 feet into the ground. And although they were not successful in finding the lead they had hoped for they did find something else even more amazing. What they found was Crystal Lake Cave. Although the cave was discovered for many years it was not open to the public until 1932. Bernard Markus, one of the original miners, played a role in getting the cave open to the public and it finally became so after his death.

While the miners were digging they found quite a few different types of gems and minerals that are on display in the gift shop. There is no other show cavern like Crystal Lake Cave and this is the longest a cave has been "alive" in Iowa. The cave is underground and continues to be one of the most amazing places to visit in Iowa. The tour of the cave takes about half an hour to 45 minutes and it is an adventure like none other you have ever taken. A tour guide will lead you so that you get the most out of the adventure. Keep in mind that no matter what the temperature is outside it will be quite cool in Crystal Lake Cave and the year round temperature is usually around 52 degrees Fahrenheit.

The cave is open from 9 am to 5 pm on weekends in May and daily in June, July and August from 9 am until 6 pm. In September the cave is open from 11 am until 5 pm on weekdays and 9 am until 5 pm on weekends. The cave is open through mid October from 11 am until 5 pm on weekdays and 9 am until 5 pm on weekends. The rest of the year the cave is closed for winter. Prices for adults are $10 and $5 for kids four to 11. Kids under four are free and senior citizens receive a 10% discount. Group pricing is available. The cave is located three miles south of Dubuque, Iowa and 20 minutes from Galena, Illinois.

There is a website that has great information on USA Vacations and Unique Travel Spots Listed State By State and Season, the website is called: Seasonal Vacation Spots, and can be found at this url:

By Robert W. Benjamin

Copyright © 2007

You may publish this article in your ezine, newsletter, or on your web site as long as it is reprinted in its entirety and without modification except for formatting needs or grammar corrections.

Robert W. Benjamin has been in the software business on the internet for over 6 years, and has been producing low-cost software for the past 25+ years.Britte Blog81146
Candy Blog86520

Business Process Outsourcing

Mega Interactive is a well known and widely acclaimed BPO service provider which delivers best-in-class and highly specialized business solutions in productive and upcoming avenues like Content Development, TeleMarketing service and Inbound and Out bound Call Center Services.

Since the dawn of the new era, business has become easier. Mega Interactive assures outstanding client experience through strong management focus, world-class talent and a sturdy financial platform. All aspects of the clients needs are meticulously gauged and analyzed before coming up with a suitable solution. Other than providing utmost BPO services our objective is to build a healthy working environment with our client on the basis of commitment, trust and respect that leads to a long lasting partnership.

We specialize in delivering quality services in terms of Internet marketing service, Web Promotional services, Search Engine Optimization, Data Entry Services, Inventory management, Administrative and Accounting with the help of our state-of-the-art management technology. Our round-the clock customer support center caters to providing solutions whenever you need them. We believe in facilitating easy business by maximizing profits and minimizing costs through cost-effective, flexible and efficient solutions for your business needs. From guidance to consultation we provide you with just the services you have been looking for.

Telemarketing - How it can improve your business:

Telemarketing proves to be an efficient and cost-effective option for bridging the gap and improving relations with the customers. We work with you as an extension of your business to improve its working and solve the problems and queries of your customers. This simplifies customer communication and expands the sales and marketing options too giving your customer a sense of satisfaction.

How Search Engine Optimization can help your business:

Search engine optimization configures a given web site for maximum exposure to search engine spiders to guarantee relevant placement in the search engines results and database structure. Putting in great content and removing any barriers to the search engine spiders could ensure efficient optimization. A proportional mix of well researched programming, attractive graphic designs this further helps in direct marketing and brand building between the client and the company. By incorporating search engine it allures potential customers to your website again and again, thus building a brand loyalty and nurturing a healthy relationship.

Zakir Hussain is the Search Engine Optimizer at Telegenisys India Pvt. Ltd., a company that offers a wide variety of Search engine optimization, Telemarketing Services, Internet Marketing and website marketing services. Visit at Blog82950
Alena Blog78488

Doing The Business With A Business Credit Card

Most people are used to making personal purchases with a credit card. It can help with money management and is useful for situations where you haven't got quite enough cash in hand. These are some of the same reasons why business owners should consider having credit cards for their businesses.

A business credit card can speed up the process of doing business. This applies to both online and offline transactions. It's a good way of paying for company purchases or making payments quickly.

Why Have A Business Credit Card?

Business credit card deals may be better than those available for personal credit cards. For example, there may be lower annual percentage rates (APRs), waiver of annual fees, higher credit limits and other incentives. Business credit cards also offer the same incentives as personal credit cards, such as balance transfer deals and 0% interest periods. And if you don't like the deal offered, it's always possible to negotiate.

Expense Tracking

Business credit cards are a good way of tracking expenses. This applies to both company expenses and the expenses incurred by employees on the company's behalf. They are also a good way of improving cash flow as business owners can pay for something today and have a grace period of up to 56 days before having to settle the bill.

Help For Employees

Employees can use business credit cards when travelling on company business to pay for flights and other travel, accommodation, eating out and entertaining. This means employees don't have to worry about finding money and being reimbursed. It also means that businesses can keep track of company expenses through itemised credit card statements. Businesses usually get a monthly statement where all such transactions are listed.

Choosing A Business Credit Card

When choosing a business credit card, it is best to pay attention to:

- The APR
- The credit limit
- The grace period
- Repayment options
- Annual fees
- Application fees
- Cash withdrawal fees

Since companies get monthly statements, they have to spend less time on administration. There's no longer any need to work out and check employees' expense claims, though some businesses may prefer to have that process as a backup.

Other Business Card Options

Business owners can also choose to have a business debit card. This means they can only spend what is in the business account. Another option is a business charge card. There is usually an annual fee for this and the balance has to be settled in full each month. Neither of these options is as flexible as a business credit card.

Some small businesses may start by financing their business with a personal credit card. However, this makes it more difficult to separate personal and business expenses. In addition, you will be personally liable for any spending on the personal credit card. A better option is to get a business bank loan or overdraft. This will offer better interest rates and will not endanger personal finances.

Joe Kenny writes for the Personal Loans Store, allowing visitors to compare loans and also information on business loans in the UK.Caitrin Blog28441
Adore Blog33168

Life With The Shih Tzu Part I

If you want that perfect show dog look in your Shih Tzu you might as well relax to the fact that it involved brushing, brushing, brushing, and daily brushing. A thorough head-to-tail groom is often needed at least every other day if not daily. However, Shih Tzu coat textures are very different. You might get by with once weekly brushing if the Shih Tzus coat is the type of texture that does not mat and tangle easily.

If you have only one Shih Tzu, grooming should not be a problem. It can be quite pleasurable for you and your Shih Tzu. It can be an excellent time to bond with each other, and have nice close little chats with each other.

Where do you start?

A good place to start grooming your Shih Tzu is on the tummy, the chest and inside the legs.perhapsthere are other opinions of course, but in this article I will direct you to start with the tummy, the chest and inside the legs.

You will need to have your Shih Tzu lie on his side on the table (be sure you have a nice, sturdy table to groom your Shih Tzu). There is nothing worse than a grooming table that wobbles around, except of course a grooming area that is not organized. You also need to have all your equipment organized and ready to use.

So now that you have your Shih Tzu lying on its side on the table, with his legs towards you (this can be an accomplishment in itself that may take several short training sessions to get done). If the Shih Tzu just will not cooperate with you, you can start trying to train him by having him lay tummy upwards in your lap with his head facing your chest. Do this exercise first for a few days if he absolutely refuses to lie this way on the grooming table.

If the above fails, you might try to groom the chest and tummy while the Shih Tzu sits on the table facing you, holding him up into a begging position by the front paws; this is not easy, since both hands are needed for some parts of the grooming, but you might have to try this as a last resort. If your Shih Tzu mats the tummy will be a prime target for matting.

The tummy side of a Shih Tzu is sensitive also, so be gentle in this area. Check where the legs meet the body, this is a prime target area for severe matting as well. Something you dont want to deal with is severe mats in these areas. These are extra sensitive areas on your Shih Tzu. The best rule to follow is pay close attention to these areas on a daily basis and never allows the mats to occur. The hair around the male penis can also be a very sensitive trouble spot. It is best to keep this area clean and shaved off. Your male Shih Tzu will give you a sigh of relief when you remove the hair in this area.

How do you remove knots and mats?

If you come across a mat or knot first try to tease it apart with your fingers. Then take a comb and use the end with coarse teeth to tease out the tangle slowly, working from the outside inwards and holding the hair between the knot and the body between your fingers so that you dont pull too hard and hurt the Shih Tzu. If all else fails, a knot may have to be cut out. Cut into the knotted hair away from the dog several times before gently using the comb to clear away the knot. Never cut across the coat. This will leave an obvious hole. If you will cut down through the length of the coat you will cause much less damage. Note: The hair on the legs is more likely to tangle than anywhere else. particular attention to these areas as well to avoid those awful and painful mats.

This article continues in Part II of Life with the Shih Tzu.

Connie Limon. I raise Shih Tzu puppies in a variety of colors especially the silver blues, reds and solid blacks. We have the AKC small standards, imperials and teacups at reasonable prices. Our website provides you with an educational experience all about the Shih Tzu. Please visit us at and sign up for our newsletters.Catha Blog65439
Athena Blog17165

Choosing To Earn A Criminal Justice Degree Online

One of the most overriding instincts in human nature is the desire to make a difference in the world. Just about everyone has the urge to positively influence their surroundings for the benefit of society. Many people choose to perform this service in the field of criminal justice. Individuals with the drive and ambition for this type of work can be seen in many arenas. Some are police officers, others are attorneys with special training in the criminal justice field, and still others benefit society by serving as probation officers hard at work to assist ex offenders in starting their new lives.

The desire to change the course of a chosen career isnt unusual in todays employment climate. More and more people are choosing to reroute the path of their lives and for those interested in criminal justice the way to go is to obtain a criminal justice degree online. There are many advantages to deciding to go for a degree in this manner. Studying online makes it possible for the student to further their education without the need to rearrange their entire work, family, and social schedules. Most criminal justice degree online programs are geared to be a study at your own pace curriculum. These types of programs are usually more affordable in terms of tuition and books as well. All of these benefits add up to create a better environment for the student to reach their goals and be ready to assist in making the world a better place with their criminal justice degree.

Like with any major decision, choosing which institution to study with should be a decision made with all of the facts checked out. The first thing to do is to be sure the school is accredited and any degree awarded from it is viable to employers. An easy way to do this is to check with the Better Business Bureau and companies and organizations that consistently hire people with criminal justice degrees. Look closely at the classes offered and at the tuition rate. Choosing to obtain a criminal justice degree online is an investment in your future and should be given your full attention before blindly signing on the dotted line. Most online educational institutions are legitimate, but it is important to do your homework first.

Receiving a criminal justice degree online prepares the graduate for several key functions in their new career. Criminal justice majors learn to be involved in a wide variety of services in the justice world. They are taught to be involved with supervision duties like probation, and assist in the incarceration system. Students are also taught to effectively interact with police at the apprehension level and to work closely with the prosecution. Newly degreed criminal justice professionals will need to learn quickly, communicate well, and have well honed problem solving skills to be successful. The ability to work well in a team environment is also helpful.

A career in the criminal justice field is rewarding in many ways. The graduate has a large range of opportunities open to them. Social service, working to protect the population, and personal enrichment are just a few of the benefits professionals in this field cite as reasons to work in this service. There are never enough caring, well trained people in this challenging field. A criminal justice degree online program is an excellent way to be prepared for the trials and rigors of your new career, all without sacrificing your current way of life. Taking advantage of this unique educational tool will have you well prepared for your new life and lead to exciting opportunities in the criminal justice field.

Andy West is a freelance writer for Virginia College. Virginia College Online offers many Criminal Justice Degree online programs. Please visit Virginia College Online at to select the online program that is right for you.Anni Blog40475
Bobine Blog17327

Dental Care For Your DogSink Your Teeth Into It

Dental care for your dog can get lost in the shuffle of daily life. Even if you really love your dog and give your dog great dog care, its easy to slip up on dental care for your dog.

When was the last time you checked your dogs teeth?

I knowthe inside of the mouth isnt the cutest part of your dog. But it can tell you a lot about your dogs health.

Contrary to what non-dog people may think, not all dogs have bad breath. Bad doggy breath, in fact, can be a sign of disease.

To look for signs of disease, check the color of your dogs teeth. White is really good. Brown is really bad. Youre aiming for at least somewhere in between.

Check for broken teeth, pus or bleeding gums, and look for any unusual growths. If you see anything that looks unhealthy, please take your dog to the vet.

If youre in a metropolitan area, you may be able to find a vet who specializes in dental care. Check the American Veterinary Dental Colleges site to see a list of their graduates.

You can find dog dental care products at nearly any pet store. The easiest way to keep your dogs teeth healthy is with dental chews. The more your dog chews, on something meant for chewing (not on something like your furniture), the better dog dental health your dog will have.

Theres been some debate about the safety of the well-known chews, Greenies. Ive never given my dog Greenies, but some dog parents say theyre great. Be aware, though, that according to a CNN investigation, since 2003, 40 dogs have had to have pieces of Greenies surgically removed, and 13 of those dogs died. Of course, thats a small number given that over 750 million Greenies have been sold since 1998.

Better than chews are rinses or pastes that you put on your dogs teeth and gums. Even better than that is brushing your dogs teeth. You can find tooth brushes especially for dog dental care at any pet supply store.

If you take just a little time to get the right supplies and just a bit of time to use them, youll be doing your dog AND you a big favor. Your dog will be healthier (and have fewer expensive problems) when you get dental care for your dog.

Want to be a great dog care giver? Andrea Rains Waggener, author of Dog ParentingHow To Have An Outrageously Happy Canine, has created the ultimate dog parenting support center. To join FREE, click here: Blog81507
Athena Blog17165

iPod Vs. Zune: Music and Video Download Sites

There are many folks that hate both Apple and Microsoft portable media products. Apple makes iPod and Microsoft makes Zune. Fortunately for the consumer, there are other good portable media players out there now but do not have the same visibility as Apple and Microsoft products. Discussion about these other portable media players like SanDisks Sansa series and Creatives Zen series devices are beyond the scope of this article. This article is about basic iPod and Zune similarities and differences. In addition, sources for purchasing music online for iPod and Zune will be briefly discussed.

The iPod is a portable media players designed and marketed by Apple and released to the public in 2001. Currently, as a digital audio player, the iPod is the best-selling music player in history. Zune is Microsoft's digital audio player, released in 2006, directly competing with Apples iPod. Each of these portable media players deliver what it was intended to do which is to play music or audio, display images, and play video. Each has their pros and cons.

There are many Zune and IPod similarities and I will list major ones. They each have the same starting price of around $249, disk storage, picture capacity, screen resolution, and aspect ratio. They play audio, pictures, and video. They have USB connection (to another device, typically a computer), battery, and similar battery life.

Both devices support MP3, MP4, M4A, M4B (for audio), and MOV (for video) file formats. The Zune favors Windows Media Audio (WMA) while iPod has its protected AAC format. When it comes to exchanging files, you will need software tools to convert your iTunes files to MP3 or convert Zune WMA files to MP3. Both systems support JPGs (for still images) and MPGs (for video).

There are advantages that Zune has over iPod. Approximately 60 hours more video can be stored in the 30GB version. Zune has a larger screen size and is capable of portrait mode display. Zune has wallpaper, FM radio, wireless connectivity, and faster battery charge. Zune Plays WMA audio formats and WMV video formats. It has one more standard case color: brown!

There are advantages that iPod has over Zune. iPod plays games, is compatible with the Audible, Apple Lossless, AIFF, and WAV audio formats. It plays H.264, M4V, MP4, MOV, MPEG-4 video formats. It is slightly smaller and lighter than Zune. The iPod software works on PC and Mac. Zune only works with PCs.

The primary websites for music downloads are iTunes Store for iPod and Zune Marketplace for Zune. Both sites offer music downloads of 0.99 cents per song. With Zune Marketplace, you can buy a monthly subscription for $14.99 a month for unlimited downloads as long as you have a subscription.

But there are other online music stores out there so you are not limited to Apple and Microsoft. Do an online search for online music stores and determine what works for you.

The stores that I recommend are offered here and have one time fees:

For iPod music and video downloads, click on

For Zune music and video downloads, click on

Have fun with what ever portable media player you choose!

Argee Gallamoza is committed to helping others by providing straight forward information about consumer electronics. Abbi Blog37890
Carena Blog49839

Bad Credit Unsecured Loan Despite, Financial Respite

It is the changing nature of man that he is susceptible to forget things in between. It happens more often than not, of taking various loans as per ones requirements; the man defers repayments due to lacking financial planning. Or, there are some who wish not to place any thing, still for availing a loan. For, the lending authority has configured a bad credit unsecured loan. This loan is offered without any sort of security placing.

Individuals having adverse credit history i.e., CCJs, IVAs, bankrupts, arrears, and defaulters attest special attention to the bad credit unsecured loan. Although, provisioning contains credit evaluation and borrowers repayment capacity and capability, owing to many lenders in money market for this loan gives a good attention to has shortened the processing time of the bad credit unsecured loan.

Amount raised by the lending authority under the bad credit unsecured loan is a minimum of 3, 000; this amount can be further increased up to 25, 000 too at best. The benefits of these loan amount borrowers get a period from 5 to 10 years.

This sanctioned amount is invested into various purposes of an individual. Renovation and improvement at home, childrens higher education, infrastructural development at businesses etc., are some of the benefits of the bad credit unsecured loan. More so, an act of debt consolidation under the bad credit unsecured loan too, is one of the best debt management a solution comes within the parameters of this loan.

In order to cover up the insurance of the bad credit unsecured loan, lenders charge a bit higher to other loans, as no collateral has been placed as of borrowers security. Lenders do not ask borrowers to offer any asset as security against bad credit unsecured loan offered. Lenders rely on borrowers profile, evaluate through information such as employment history, income level, recommendations, final payment of any previous loans etc. however, if a borrower defaults on a bad credit unsecured loan, the lender has no priority claim against any particular property of the borrower. The lender can try to obtain just a money judgement against the borrower. In such loans, the risk element is the highest for the lenders. Such lenders compensate their increased risk by offering lower amount and by charging a little higher interest. Lenders provide bad credit unsecured loan financial respite despite borrowers adversity of bad credits.

Andrew Baker has done his masters in finance from CPIT. He is engaged in providing free, professional, and independent advice to the residents of the UK. He works for the UK finance world to find more about Bad Credit Unsecured Loan, personal loans, loan, loans, unsecured loans, secured loans, debt consolidation loan, mortgage, remortgage please visit Blog2429
Ardyth Blog303

Dangers Of Illegal Computer Disposal

If your computer broke tomorrow and it was beyond repair, what would you do with it? Well chances are that after slamming it against the wall in a fit of rage, youre going to throw it in the trashcan in your garage. Alongside all the other non-recyclable trash your household created this week, the trash men will come pick it up, condense it in their truck, and dump it into a huge pile of waste. The huge pile of waste will be compacted even more, and then sent out to some island where all the huge piles of your garbage go. Sounds simple, right?

Sure, its simple enough; until a bird lands on your crunched piece of laptop and dies from exposure to the acid that leaked out of the battery. Gasp! Alright, you say to yourself, Ill take the battery out and burn it in my backyard instead of throwing it in the trash. Well unless youd like an explosion in your backyard, then no, you should NOT burn any old battery solely because you know is it wrong to throw it in the trash.

So what exactly do you do with this battery? How about all the other parts of the computer that still function? After you consider all of the minute details that go into making a computer work, and you realize that your computer might be broken beyond repair but that the tiny pieces could function perfectly in someone elses computer, it seems like a big waste to be disposing of the entire thing with one careless toss into the garbage. Not only would you be polluting the environment, adding to the amount of waste your family creates, and putting innocent animals at danger with the improper disposal of your computer, but you would also be wasting hundreds of dollars worth of useful items in a computer that can probably be refurbished anyways.

Aside from the battery leaking acid in a waste heap, other environmental concerns are with toner or ink from printers, glass pieces from tiny light bulbs, and other wires and metal pieces tangled inside every computer. Luckily, there are companies that deal with computer disposal or refurbishing to make your job a lot easier. If you feel the need to bash your computer against the wall in a fit of rage, simply wrap it up and send it to a computer disposal company who will, oftentimes for free, properly dispose of your computer. If your computer stops working or you simply care to invest in an updated version, then there are companies who you can send it to who will pay you for the parts that are still useable and will refurbish the computer so they can re-sell it or donate it to a low-income family or agency once it works again.

One might think, Well, I know of a charity that could really use my old computer. I will donate it on my own. Not so fast, buddy. Donating an older computer to an organization that you think could really use it doesnt always work out so well. In many instances, the computer will cease to work after a couple of months, and the organization might have to spend more money to repair it. It is poor etiquette to donate something when you are not quite sure of its value. If youd rather not give cash, some businesses will take your old computer and send the cash value of its remaining parts to an organization of your choice.

The bottom line is that there are many different things you can and should do with a computer that you no longer want as your own. For the same reasons that you taught your children how to recycle, that you turn off the lights when you leave a room, and because you try to take only as much food as you are prepared to eat at a buffet table, you should dispose of or recycle your PC properly.

Sam Brown, a environmentalist, specializes in solutions to help reduce waste. His primary interest lies in computer recycling & finding easy PC disposal businesses.Benni Blog28934
Annnora Blog70742

End Tables - Not For Everyone, But Everyone Could Use Them

End tables are basically a smaller version of the bigger tables that are usually placed at the end of a sofa, couch or even a bench. These are usually placed so as to hold minor decorations in living rooms and telephones in bedrooms. End tables are also great additions in bathrooms near a bathtub so they can hold the soap or the shower gel as the need may be. Placing end tables is an art in itself and needs to be recognized as such. Earlier in the 1990s people usually chose end tables in pairs so as to complement each end of a sofa.

However as time wore on and designers became more creative, end tables became classy pieces of furniture. End tables can now be used almost anywhere including bathrooms, nightstands, beds and of course the living room. There are many types of end tables and are defined as much by the materials used in them as by their function. Rustic end tables are the classic version because they impart elegance to the setting by virtue of being old fashioned in style. Modern end tables use clear and sophisticated designs and also add classic lines whether curved or straight.

Shaker and apothecary end tables are other forms of end tables that are frequently used by modern decorators. As far as material is concerned, oak and maple are the most commonly used woods in constructing end tables. These woods add natural color to the setting and are also great value because they repel insects, rot and fungi. Usually dark stained end tables are crafted from wood. Stainless steel and aluminum are some of the metals that can be used in constructing end tables.

More often designers are apt to construct the basic framework with metal and then choose to cover it up with glass or plywood. Other materials used in making end tables include frosted glass, stained glass, slate or marble stone and ceramic or mosaic tiles.

End tables in most cases act as decorative items, but there are instances where these tables are used for functional purposes as well. For example in bathrooms, end tables serve the purpose of being brush holders and soap holders. In the living rooms, they can hold ash trays or simple flower vases. These end tables are also ideal for keeping wine glasses or tea cups when drinking on a sofa or a bench.

End tables are modern pieces of small furniture that can add value to the prevailing decor at the home. End tables can also serve as cocktail tables or coffee tables if required. End tables essentially finish up the look of the living room or the bedroom in an elegant manner. For those people desiring more unique or captivating end tables, custom-made ones are the thing to go for. In case this proves too expensive, you can make subtle alterations to your end table by adding some fancy stuff like a table spread or handcrafted material.

Jesse Akre, owner of numerous sites specializing home decor products and information, gives the online consumer a chance to find product reviews when purchasing end tables or coffee tables online. Learn how to decorate your kitchen and home in style - Click today: http://www.onlytables.comAntonietta Blog74797
Alfreda Blog64530

Fast Secured Loans UK No Hassle While Security at Hand

Becoming part and parcel of todays financial world, loans are saving individuals form various financial adversities. It is of no use if the required money may not reach at the right destination at the situation. For safe and secure with the push of quickness, the money market has equipped various lenders across the country with the provisions of fast secured loans UK. These fast secured loans UK are instant monetary assistances for any sort of purposes.

As the term suggests, fast secured loans UK contain the process of collateral placing as of the candidates security in the future. For an instant appraisal and better accessing, fast secured loans UK are available online. A candidate has to fill in a single online application form available online. And select a lender of his financial feasibility, as there Sare many lenders available with their respective policies and plans. On the basis of the placed item, through evaluation, the required sum is sanctioned to the borrowers.

However, generally, the amount raised by lenders to borrowers is a minimum of 3, 000; this amount can be further increased up to 75, 000 for the better convenience of the borrowers. Borrowers invest the sanctioned amount as per their requirements. Following are some of the benefits of fast secured loans UK.

Instant utilities of fast secured loans UK is as follows:

* Consolidation various etching debts
* Financing for childrens higher education
* Visiting dream holiday destinations
* Buying of car
* Building of dream home
* Renovation and improvement at home
* For the establishment of planned business etc.

In order to take advantage of the borrowers financial malaise, many lenders keep an extendable repayment period of the fast secured loans UK, although there is very low APR (annual percentage rate), as borrowers security are to be placed. Longer the repayment period, more the borrowers have to pay in terms of interest rates. Further, if a candidate is well informed to the money market, then he may have good chances of getting a further cheaper fast secured loans UK deal. It can be generally done by other candidates too. For their assistance and support loans knowledge, many financial experts are right available online. All is well when security is at hand; it makes fast secured loans UK a hassle-free provision.

George Kane has no formal degree in finance, but years of work that he has put in the finance industry makes him perfectly eligible to be called an expert in financial matters. To find Fast Secured Loans UK, high risk secured loans,bad credit secured loan, bad credit secured personal loans, high risk secured loan UK visit Blog88604
Aggy Blog18192

Sherry and Spanish Tapas - a Match Made In Heaven

There is absolutely nothing wrong with wine, or beer, or anything else that takes your fancy to have with your tapas. But until you try it with sherry, youre missing out on a taste tradition going back thousands of years. The first documented mention of sherry comes from around 1 BC - and that author mentioned original vines brought by the Pheonicians in 1100 BC!

First things first though: the Spanish do not call their wine sherry. This is an anglicised version of the word Jerez (which is pronounced hereth with the accent on the second 'e'). To be considered a genuine sherry a wine must come from the sherry triangle. This is a region on the Atlantic coast of Anadalucia bordered by the towns of Jerez de la Frontera, El Puerto de Santa Maria and Sanlcar de Barrameda. So, no matter what it says on the bottle, anything else is just fortified wine in the style of Jerez.

There are three main types of widely-available sherry: dry, medium and sweet, plus a couple that are a bit different and harder to find. Well cover the main ones first.

The types of sherry.

First we have the dry sherries Fino and Manzanilla. These are pale in colour, bitingly dry and delicately flavoured. The Manzanilla has a salty, nuttier taste. They are primarily served as aperitifs before the meal and with tapas as a starter. However, many Spanish people drink these as a wine throughout the meal. They are very versatile wines which go perfectly with jamn, chorizo, mild cheeses, white fish and all seafood.

Next up comes the medium-dry Amontillado. This is a golden amber colour with a dry but nutty taste. It goes well with poultry and game, robust cheeses and oily fish like sardines and mackerel.

A darker, richer sherry but still a medium is the Oloroso. This is perfect for red meats and stronger game dishes.

Finally comes the dessert sherries : Moscatel and Pedro Ximnez. These are both very sweet and are perfect for desserts and blue cheeses. The Moscatel is a softer wine and the Ximnez is a rich, dark Spanish beauty in a glass!

A couple of options for you to try are a Palo Cortado and a Pale Cream. The Palo Cortado is a rare wine which is a sort of cross between an Amontillado and an Oloroso. Drink it with the richer foods like game, strong cheeses, etc. Youll probably find the Pale Cream more easily available. This is basically a fino that has been sweetened. Its an interesting flavour and goes well with rich pats like foie gras, or try it with fresh fruit and nuts.

A commonly-found sherry is the Cream. This is a dessert wine in the style of the Ximnez but not so rich - or expensive! Try it with sweets, pastries and blue cheeses.

Serving your sherry.

The best sherry glasses are the thin, transparent copitas which are designed especially for the job. They are long-stemmed, to prevent your hands warming the wine, and have a taper towards the top to funnel those subtle and distinctive notes nicely to the nose. Dont fill the glass more than halfway or the wine will not have a chance to blossom and release its aromas as you swirl it around the glass.

If you cant lay your hands on some proper copitas then a champagne flute would be the next-best alternative.

Failing that, just slosh some into a wine glass, you heathen! But better to drink from a wine glass than not to drink at all, thats what I say.


Fino and Manzanilla should be bought fresh and used quickly, within three months, as they do not last well in the bottle. They should always be served chilled. Once opened, keep in the refrigerator and consume within a couple of weeks. These wines are very delicately flavoured and lose their character very quickly once opened.

Amontillados can be kept in the bottle for two to three years but, again, once opened, should be consumed as quickly as possible. The ideal temperature to drink these is a cool room temperature. However, once theyve been opened you should keep them in the fridge if you dont have a cool place to keep them. Drinking them cold is perfectly acceptable.

The Olorosos, Creams and Ximnezes, being richer and more aged, can be kept in the bottle for years, depending on the quality of the wine. Once opened, they can be kept for months in a cool place, or in the fridge. But bear in mind that they should be served at room temperature to appreciate them at their best. A pale cream, or even a cream, on the rocks is a delicious alternative.


Unopened bottles of sherry are very susceptible to oxidisation so should be stored upright, not laid down, in a cool and dark place at an even temperature. All sherries, once opened, should be stored upright with their corks firmly in place to prevent oxidisation and loss of flavour.

There is, of course, a very simple answer to this problem of storage and oxidisation. You simply prepare some tapas little dishes, get a few friends round and open your best bottle of sherry. Then throw the cork away! What better way to enjoy your sherry and tapas the proper Spanish way?

Steve Lean is a writer, photographer and Spanish food nut. He lives in Andalucia, southern Spain and is the webmaster of Here you can find recipes, ingredients and 'everything you ever wanted to know about tapas - the small plate with the BIG flavour!'Becka Blog17554
Berenice Blog3395

Day Trading the Forex Market Profitably - Part 2

To trade volatile and liquid markets

Since your job as a day trader is to capture intraday swings it is crucial that the market you are trading has enough movement to allow you to do this. It is also important that the market you are trading has enough liquidity so that order fills do not suffer from excessive slippage. You have to select a market that its volatility is permanent and not a temporary occurrence. Since you are basing your trading method on catching intraday price swings you have to know that you are trading in the right place. As a day trader volatility is your ally and you have to know that you can count on it every single day (or at least 90% of the days). Liquid markets will provide you with good order fills. As a day trader this is very important since you are aiming at smaller profit objectives and hence larger slippage will eat away more of your profits. When trading several times a day this adds up and can be the difference between success and failure.

As a forex day trader you have to apply all the above rules and principles plus other criteria that are unique to the forex market.

Time of day trading

The forex market is a 24 hour market. Never stops except on weekends. Within this 24 hour period different currencies behave in different manners. As a day trader it is very important to know the personality of the currency you are trading. For example, the GBP/USD is more volatile in early to mid European session then any other liquid pair. For a day trader trading in these hours it would be wise to take advantage of the price swings the GBP/USD pair offers instead of trading some other currency pair that constantly shows no movement. The USD/CAD pair is silent in the early to mid European session but starts to have more price movement toward the start of the US session.

Spread and liquidity

Forex brokers do not charge you a commission for every trade you make (at least most forex brokers). Instead, they make their profit on the bid/ask spread which is measured in pips. As a forex day trader you are aiming at capturing small price swings sometimes several time per day. Also, your profit objectives are obviously much smaller than the swing traders profit objectives. All this means one thing: every pip counts. You cannot afford to trade currency pairs with large spreads, if you do your profit will get eaten up to a point where you will not be trading with an adequate risk/reward ratio. Forex day trading must be done with liquid pairs. Most forex brokers will provide you with a very narrow spread for the most liquid currency pairs. As an example, many brokers are now offering a 2 pip spread for EUR/USD and USD/JPY and a 3 pip spread for USD/CHF and GBP/USD. These are the most liquid pairs and the ones a day trader should focus on.


As a day trader volatility is you friend, a friend you cannot afford to trade without. In its basic definition, volatility is simply the amount of price change with relation to time. Volatile currency pairs have various price swings (price changes) during a small period of time (one day). These price swings are what a day trader lives on. In the forex market volatility many times comes hand in hand with liquidity. The most liquid pairs are the ones that are the most volatile. The big 4: EUR/USD, GBP/USD, USD/JPY and USD/CHF are the most liquid pairs that provide the best volatility and hence opportunity for the forex day trader. Within these four pairs, the GBP/USD is the most volatile. Although it is not the most liquid (the EUR/USD is), but it is the most volatility. This pair, traded with the right broker (one that provides a 3 pip spread) can present many profitable opportunities for the astute day trader.

In conclusion, the forex day trader has to be prepared not only with the basic day trading rules, skills and principles. His job is to incorporate into his trading the characteristics and uniqueness of the forex market. Remember, every currency pair might present different opportunities and it is your job to always focus on the ones that best fit the purpose and objectives of day trading. I hope to have contributed to your forex trading education and I thank you for taking the time to read this article.

Copyright (c) 2006 Avi Frister

Avi Frister is a Forex trader and educator. He teaches revolutionary and unique trading methods to consistently profit from the Forex market. For more information please visit Blog22048
Becki Blog51914

Printer Rental: Do Business Need Them?

Printer rental is not the most economical option for a small home office or a small business entrepreneur whose printing is limited. If a business requires occasional printing tasks, with one or a few copies than its far better to buy a printer, or even an all-in-one that combines printer, fax, scanner and copier tasks. These retail for just a little over $100. A printer that is used primarily for word processing business task such as reports, speeches, in house documents and so forth need not even use the color copy function to any great extent. These are economical printers and a printer rental for these would be a waste of money.

Where printer rental is an economically advantageous idea is for firms that produce multiple copies day in and day out, that provide printed copy to clients, that use their company printer to product marketing materials, and so forth. If the tasks that will be undertaken by the company printer are extensive, especially if they require graphics, collating and batches of 100 or more, a printer rental is generally a more sound decision than a printer purchase. One of the advantages of a printer rental or lease is the service and on site repair that come with the business printer rental.

Here is a typical printer rental offer.

This company specializes in the powerful Hewlett Packard 4600 color laser printer rental although it also offers many makes and models of both laser and inkjet printers.

The printer rental firm has a large inventory of printers both black and white as well as color. You can have your printer rental directly connected to your firms business computer or you can rent printers that are network enabled. If you know your companys network settings, this printer rental vendor can configure the printer with the IP youll need and the gateway information.

One thing to keep in mind, however, is that you may have to update your printer drivers whether your operating system is Windows or Mac. This firm will help you get that accomplished.

Another option you may want to consider when you get your printer rental is the rental of a wireless server for your later printer. If youre using a temporary wireless business computer network, or you are in any way constrained from having additional cables in your location this would resolve that issue. This printer rental vendor can rent the wireless server to you and can also integrate all the hardware into your network. They can even set it up for a situation such as a trade show, where youll need to network from the exhibit hall of a convention center and so forth.

This printer rental provides a 100 percent satisfaction guarantee. Included in the printer rental are the firms assurance of sales experts with printer and other rental equipment expertise, and a huge inventory of top of the line products that include Hewlett Packard, NEC, Apple; Compaq, Pioneer and Fujitsu, and others.

Printer rental includes software loading and configuration prior to delivery. This includes your firms proprietary imaging. Your printer rental equipment is tested for quality assurance, to ensure that the equipment you are renting works as it should. The rental guarantee also includes delivery and installation by technicians who are both certified and in uniform.

Technical support of the printer rental equipment is 24 hours a day, seven days a week. The response time for on-site delivery, service and support is short, and the technicians all carry two way radios for instant communication with clients.

Replacement service is guaranteed on printer rental equipment that is faulty, and help desk support is unlimited and available via toll free number.

Robert Michael is a writer for which is an excellent place to find Printer Rental links, resources and articles. For more information go to: Printer Rental.Anny Blog83487
Angelique Blog7258

Does Your Personal Style Reflect Your Uniqueness?

Does your personal style truly reflect your uniqueness? Do you feel comfortable in your own skin? Do you feel confident about what your look says about you? Do you gravitate toward just buying the fashion magazine's latest look? Or are you constantly comparing how you look to others?

My life's experience is that many women do not own their look. Many women do not embrace their uniqueness and instead create copycat, plain Jane or outlandish styles that aren't reflective of whom they are.

I believe that any woman can evoke the look that simply confirms her being and uniqueness. She can look chic, feminine in accordance with her personality, lifestyle and very importantly, budget. Here are the steps I recommend you follow:

Step 1: Discover what your body type is and which styles look good on you. Kendall Starr in her book, Pocket Stylist, believes that regardless of whether a woman is average or plus sized, there is one of three basic silhouettes that apply to everyone. The three basic silhouettes are:

BODY TYPE A: The average version of a woman whose shoulders are narrower than the width of her hips. Regardless of whether she is flat- or full-chested, this torso proportion is defined by a definite visual difference between the width of those shoulders and the width of the hips.

BODY TYPE B: The traditional hourglass although Farr herself isn't in favor of geometry or fruit-derived monikers ("no hourglasses, apples, pears, celery or any of that stuff") this woman's shoulder width is essentially the same as her hip width, and the waist is generally well defined. Bust size can be anywhere from flat-chested to full-breasted. (Again, simply a particular that refines her fit - not a starting point.)

BODY TYPE C: The shoulders are wider than the width of the hips. Broad-shouldered, narrow-hipped models fall into this category. Her waist is usually quite straight, and can be somewhat of a fitting challenge. Once you've determined your body type, go to a store with an honest friend. Try on various fabrics and cuts to see how the material and shape emphasize or detract from your basic body silhouette. Remember, window shopping is okay, no need to break the bank and immediately overhaul your wardrobe.

Step 2: Inventory your wardrobe and make sure you have these wardrobe basics, which complement your silhouette and lifestyle:


Dark Day Look In a simple, skimming cut and crisp high-quality fabric.

Dark Night Look Fuller leg in a lighter high-quality fabric.

Jeans or Chinos:

To wear with a flat heel Hemmed shorter to wear with flats.

To wear with heels Hemmed longer.

Skirts: Pencil, Trouser or A-Line Cut In black or lightweight wool.

A-line or Bias Cut In a flowy fabric for day or evening.

Skirt in a neutral, mixable style A subtle pin stripe or tweed.


White button down In a feminine cut.

White T-shirts Just the basic T, a boat neck, or V-neck.


Black That tonally matches your black pants.

Neutral In a skin flattering tone, i.e. avoid stark white if you're fair.

Vivid Color Must emphasize your features and not detract.


Tailored It should match your dark pants in color tone and style.

Casual Bombers, motorcycle styles and windbreakers are good choices in fabrics like leather, suede, corduroy, soft wool or cotton twill.


Trench Good for the rain and in-between seasons choose a neutral or black.

Knee-length For in-between seasons.

Winter Coat Invest in the best fabric you can possibly afford.

Dress or matching separates that create a dress. Always have a little black dress on hand.


Cherish four to five high-end fashion accessories (costume jewelry and scarves) that you wear all the time.

Add one or two new trendy pieces each season and wear them out.

Invest in high quality everyday leather handbags and shoes.

Become friends with a great tailor who can assure that these key clothing pieces flatter your uniqueness.

Step 3: Find a great hair stylist who is skilled at working with your hair type. Then get a fuss-free hairstyle and maintain it. I don't know about you, but I absolutely dread having to use several hairstyling tools and products. It's all about simplicity to manage my hair (flat crown and wavy length). I could be using tons of root lifter, hair serums, along with a blow dryer, flat iron, three brushes and then finishing products. However, I made a decision some time ago to embrace my hair texture and found a hair stylist who knows exactly how I "operate" and created a style accordingly.

Step 4: Treat your skin as the treasure it is. Get a facial every month or just give yourself a weekly facial. Maintain, protect and nourish your skin daily. If you have great skin, you radiate and barely need any make-up. The time spent on your daily skin care routine is also a wonderful time to dedicate to yourself and regeneration. Also, don't forget to drink plenty of water to hydrate it.

Step 5: Use make-up as an aid to emphasize your beautiful features, not hide them under layers and layers of coating. I firmly believe in the principle applied by French women: less is more. Your basics include: tinted moisturizer with SPF, a light powder, blush, a great mascara and a lipstick or lip gloss. Select colors that are complementary to your skin tone, hair color and eye color. Heavy smoky eye make-up or bright red lips may look great in a magazine. However, if they don't reflect your uniqueness leave them in the store!

Let your imagination and creativity take its power to truly reflect your uniqueness. So, when someone asks you: Does Your Personal Style Reflect Your Uniqueness? You'll answer confidently: Absolutely!

Copyright (c) 2007 MMC Lifestyles, LLC, dba MMC Style

Marion Chamberlain is founder of MMC Style ( ), an Internet store for European fashion accessories sourced from unique and highly-talented small design shops in Europe. The online store offers high-quality European fashion jewelry and leather handbags to those women who want to be unique. MMC Style ( ) European fashion accessories are truly unique and can't be found in department or chain stores.Bria Blog75630
Cam Blog86805

How To Top The Search Engines Using Keywords

This article is going to cover what is sometimes referred to as an "online science". OK, stay with me and don't panic. Those of you who know me by now are aware that I like to keep things as simple and straightforward as possible. So hang on in there, take the next few minutes to read this, and I'm pretty sure you'll be glad you did.

Now, as we all know, one of the main reasons people use the internet is to search for information. By providing people with this information we can make money. We simply find out what it is that people are searching for, and then provide them with it. Simple, yes?

OK, now here's the thing. If you can "optimise" your website to show up whenever people in your niche market search for information on that subject, the potential is there to make a huge amount of money online. For example, if someone typed in "acne cure" and you are the top website (or even in the top ten) in google for that search term, you can pick up loads of free visitors to your site and explode your online income.

You are probably thinking, as so many do, that topping the search engines is the preserve of large companies, or those with massive budgets. So you will be pleasantly surprised when I tell you that the truth of the matter is that it's actually free when you know how. I'm going to show you how to top the results for your keywords related to the service or products you sell. We are going to be able to do it quickly, relatively easily, and most importantly, without spending a single penny.

Right, so where do we start? The first thing you need to do is create a large list of keywords directly related to your niche or service. We do this by using So let's say you were selling a product on "How to grow the perfect rose garden". You would go to that link and type in "rose garden". Now make a huge list of all the keywords that show up that are directly related to rose gardening.

Once you have a list of around 50 or so keywords you are ready to start optimising your site for the search engines. Please don't let the name "search engine optimisation" (often abbreviated to SEO) put you off. It's not as technical as it sounds, and you certainly don't need to be a techie whizzkid to be able to do it. Do it correctly and it doesn't have to be technical at all.

OK, you have your list of keywords. What do you do with them? By writing an article focusing around one of the keywords you found, then adding it to your site, you have an optimised web page, that's it in a nutshell. So let's say you wrote an article on "rose gardening design" that was optimised correctly and then added to your site, you can rank well and get free traffic from one 500 700 word article. At the bottom of the article you can link to your sales page selling your product or service.

By writing an article that is optimised for search engines, and adding it on a web page on your site you immediately have a web page that can rank very well. The key to writing good SEO articles is to be true to the subject at hand. Make sure that your article contains relevant information, and a substantial proportion of keyword scattered throughout your article. Include a keyword or phrase in the title of your article. Also include a minimum of two keywords or phrases in the beginning and ending paragraphs of your article.

Finally, scatter keywords in the body of your article. If you have a 500 word article, aim for a minimum of one keyword or phrase per paragraph. Write your article for your product, don't just put keywords in for the sake of it. Do not force the keyword issue. Your articles must be forthright, literate, easy and entertaining to read. Some writers sacrifice grammar and content for the sake of a keyword placement. Don't do that. When searchers are directed to an article of yours that happens to contain sloppy grammar, bad spelling, and an untidy look, they may just decide to look elsewhere.

Article writing is not difficult. However, if you feel that you don't want to do it yourself for whatever reason then it is very easy using one of the many freelance wesites available such as to find a writer prepared to do it for you, the finished article will be yours, with your copyright, and should not have cost a fortune. Articles of between 500 750 words ranging between $1.00 and $15.00. Just be sure to communicate fully with the writer you choose so they are totally aware of your requirements. Don't be afraid to ask for previous work samples, and don't necessarily choose the cheapest. It may be a good deal, but do your homework. One way is to ask him (or her) to provide one article for you, in exchange for which you pay them for that one article and use it as criteria for judging their qualifications.

Well that's one way to optimise your site using keywords. Simply write an optimised article, turn it into a webpage dedicated to that keyword and add it to your site. Try it, the worst can happen is you lose a little time ( but surely learn a lot in the process) but you could well be pleasantly surprised at the results.

Chris Haycock is an Information Publisher, specialising in helping people set up their own online ventures. Why not visit and get your hands on a totally no cost two and a half hour step by step business video.Anita Blog50681
Anna Blog23479

Who Else Wants To Tweak Windows XP For A Faster PC

Windows XP has lost of colours, themes and similar special effects to make your PC look great. These effects slow down your PC and that is the main problem.

If your computer is running slow, and you are sure you do not have a virus, spyware or adware you may try using some of these Win XP tweaks. The more special effects you remove the better.

Some of the effects that slow your PC are:

1. Pictures on the desktop background. A blank wallpaper is the best. Animations or even sounds in the background slow PC even more. Remove Shortcuts on the Desktop. This will be described further below as well.

Right click on My Computer icon and select properties. Go to Advanced Tab, and select Settings next to Performance. Finally select Adjust for best performance. Click OK twice. That is one of the best Win XP tweaks.

2. Is your browser by default plain, or did you install many extensions, themes and cursor symbols? Those slow down speed, so removing them is the best solution if you have a slow PC.

Switch to Windows Classic Theme by right clicking on Desktop and go to Properties.

3. Sounds also cause speed problems, so removing them is another good tweak. These include also startup and shutdown sounds. Remove sounds from your control panel. Double click on the Sounds icon.

4. A lot of MsWord, Notepad, Image and similar files scattered around on your desktop or located in shortcuts can be removed or arranged.

Create new folders, and organise your files. A folder for MsWord documents, images, sounds and Notepad files so you do not waste space.

Shortcuts on your desktop, in start menu and anywhere else can be removed to tweak XP. These are unwanted and are safe to be removed. You know if an icon is a shortcut or not because once you click delete you can read:

"Are you sure you want to delete this shortcut?"

5. Use the search tool to find unwanted files. WIn XP search tool allows you to search for certain file types. For example you can search for only images .gif or .jpg. You can find all the images on your PC, and remove all the unwanted image files.

Same with sound files, documents and you will be amazed about this stuff that has piled up during the years. A brand new computer does not need to search for these files.

Be careful though when using this tweak. Do not remove files you are not sure what their use is. Some files may be system files useful for your PC to work well.

Doing so can damage your PC.

6. Bookmarks or favorites inside your web browser have their negative side too. Same with cookies, cache and browser history.

Remove unwanted sites from your favorites. In Internet Explorer remove cache, cookies and history by selecting Tools, Internet Options and clicking the desired action.

In other browsers these options can also be tweaked from the menu which is usually under Tools. Remove these unwanted files often, or weekly. A weekly or more often job is clearing your recycle bin which helps cleaning wasted space.

Those 6 tweaks will organise your PC for a faster performance. It is the basic for XP users who suffer from slow speed. Even if your PC is not slow, some of the tweaks are still useful in the long run.

Karl Smith sells No Adware software and he recommends the software to prevent spyware and adware. No adware is giving away a free trial of their software Blog11583
Celina Blog98673

How to Finance your Auto Loan and Save Monthly!

Owning an auto has become a requirement of modern era. Getting an auto loan with a bad credit is challenging, but not impossible. Auto loan is available in different flavors in the financial market as per the needs and requirements of an individual. Bad credits are part of every human being. Todays money lenders are well aware of it. Hence one can avail sustainable discounts and all shorts of cheap loans available from many auto loan lenders.

Now auto loans are easy to qualify for even with horrible credits. There are various lenders eagerly waiting to make a profit off of your bad situation. But its true that an auto loan with bad credits always comes with high interest rates comparatively to those with good credits. Yet there are ways to get an auto loan without paying much higher points then the current average.

Auto buyers have several options when it comes to loans and this could spell the difference between the best deals and the worst. Personal loans from an independent lender are generally a much cheaper way to borrow the money to buy a vehicle Shop around for auto deals. Those who rely on the first deal proposed to them by their auto salesman; end up paying soaring interest rates. Auto finance offered in dealerships generally has higher interest rates.

Auto dealerships consistently mark up the loan cost without informing the customer. It would have been illegal had you been financing a home, but not so when it's a Automobile. Ignorance may be bliss, but this time it could burn you. If you have no idea about it or do not inquire into it, the dealerships' salesmen and the finance executives would not be the ones to tell you. The buyer of the Auto doesn't have to finance the deal through the dealerships alone. He can head to a credit union or to a bank and shop around.

Now a days number of online sites offers you the best auto loan with low interest rate. You just have to study the market before getting into any final deal the auto dealer.

Anna Josephs is a freelance editor having experience of many years in writing articles and news releases on various topics related to health, automobile and social issues. Currently, she is working on To get more details on Auto Loan, please visit . Please feel free to write feedback on this article. Anna Josephs can be contacted at Blog17554
Berenice Blog3395

Retirement: Living or Just Existing?

Are you planning to retire?

If the answer is yes, are you preparing financially? If so, that means you will have enough money to do all the fun things you look forward to doing, instead of having to think twice about the smallest purchase. And, hopefully, you will plan so well that you will have more than enough money to pay for medical services not covered by insurance or Medicare. Unfortunately, many folks retire thinking, "I won't need as much money anymore." Wrong!

"Old age" is not free. Even if you have taken great care of yourself over the years, the older you get the more maintenance and repair you need and it can be costly.

But a happy retirement takes more than money.

There is something drastically wrong with the way we prepare for retirement. We are encouraged to plan financially, but who is advising us to have a plan to be healthy enough to enjoy the fruit of all the years of labor?

One thing is certain: Your employer or financial advisor will not likely help you develop a preventive health care plan along with financial planning advice. You have to do that yourself, and the sooner you do, the happier and healthier you will be in retirement.

As a pharmacist, I see many seniors well off financially, but their health is shot. They are alive but not living just existing. In many cases, the culprit is not "old age" but years of neglect and self-inflicted health abuse.

There is no joy in having enough money in the bank while incarcerated in a nursing home or dependent on friends and family to tend to the most basic needs.

One other thing: It's selfish not to plan to take care of yourself. Do grown children, perhaps in a bind financially, or with difficult teenagers, need one more problem?

Here are some basic suggestions to help insure a dynamite retirement:

Start an exercise regimen. Today! No time? Invest in a treadmill and put it in front of the TV. While viewing programs that may insult your intelligence, pedal away and turn it into productive use of time. The key to making an exercise program work is consistency. It must become a habit, a "given" in your daily life.

Don't like a treadmill? Get an inexpensive Gazelle. It's a great, low impact calorie burner to use while watching TV, and it will help get your waist back.

Love yourself enough to cut the processed stuff from your diet. You don't need the edible junk advertised as food. Start eating more fresh food. If you love to cook, prepare quick, no-fuss, no-recipe meals. While eating can and should be a pleasure, your goal should be to eat to live, not live to eat. If you can adopt that attitude, you can quickly get over a destructive love affair with food. When you can toss out the deep fat fryer, you know you've done something terrific for your health and your future.

A huge bonus: Exercise and a more natural diet will lower cholesterol and blood pressure and you won't need Pepcid or antacids. By the way, if you believe TV ads that show folks eating what amounts to dietary garbage, and then take an antacid to neutralize the ingested poison, rethink what you believe.

If you abuse your body long enough with food it doesn't want or need, eventually arteries will clog, blood pressure will soar, intestines will clog, and joints will stiffen and ache. You can't fool Mother Nature forever with Mylanta, Pepcid or other band-aids to counter dietary indiscretion.

Drink more water. Eight to ten eight-ounce glasses a day. Coffee and tea, don't count. Nor do sodas. Water is a great antidote for "heartburn." Next time you eat something your stomach doesn't like, drink a couple of glasses of water before you reach for the antacid. You'll probably feel better because you are diluting the poison and getting it out of your body faster.

If you are not taking dietary supplements, now is the time to educate yourself about which ones to take. You need plenty of anti-aging antioxidants. If you think your diet (even a "good" one) provides everything you need, think again. Broccoli grown in mineral deficient foreign soil, treated with chemicals to extend shelf life and stored too long under less than best conditions does not provide optimum nutrition.

Part of your re-education program should include subscribing to a newsletter published by a physician with common sense. A favorite of mine is Dr. Julian Whitaker. He has a no-cost online newsletter at and a print newsletter I would not be without.

If you think in terms of prevention, along with wise financial planning, it's not difficult to make the rest of your life the best of your life. It's just a matter of loving yourself and having enough vision to take the bull by the horns on your own behalf while you still have the ability to do so.

Barbara Morris, R.Ph. is a pharmacist and anti-aging strategist. Subscribe to her newsletter at and receive her complimentary ebook, Diva Tested Tips for Fabulous Skin. Her wisdom is cited in Art Linkletter and Mark Victor Hansens new book, How to Make the Rest of Your Life the Best of your Life. See Blog2429
Carleen Blog93779

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